Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Merry Christmas
What an eventful couple of months it has been in our family. I don't even know where to begin. Michael recently got a job promotion and is now in management. He doesn't get to drive the big snow plow trucks as much anymore but he still has fun. I am very proud of him and i know he will do a good job.
Jared will be starting 2 preschool programs in January. One in the morning and the other in the afternoons. He is excited for this and i am hoping this will help prepare him for kindergarden.
Elisia will also be attending the morning preschool with Jared.....What am i going to do with myself?????? She is talking more and more and she loves playing dress up and teaching quinn new things.
Quinn is finally walking.....YEAH she is like a different child now that she has movement. She is also starting to talk and she walks around the house saying
I hope you all have a wonderful holiday season and remember our Savior Jesus Christ and all He has given us.
Friday, November 14, 2008
Where do I begin?????
Elisia and Quinn at the Park after trick or treating in Downtown Arlington Heights.
Jared, Elisia, and Quinn at the church Halloween party. Jared had a lot of fun decorating or rather eatting his cookie. Jared and Elisia even did the haunter house with daddy.
Friday, October 10, 2008
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Quinn is so onery
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Jared was Tagged by Elisia
Elisia was tagged
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Thursday, July 17, 2008
I hate car dealerships
We bought a new fire pit earlier this week and we tried it out on monday for family home evening. It is really a nice amenity. We were able to relax outside and the kids roasted marshmellows. Michael has wanted one of these for a long time and he was thrilled he found one on sale.
Friday, July 11, 2008
Let's play catch up
We had a great Fourth of July as a family. I took the kids to the parade and Michael met us there after work. the Kids really loved it. Elisia was thrilled that candy was being thrown at her and she could take it. Jared was a little grumpy, but what else is new. Quinn did not like the loud noises. Kind of ironic that the child that has had hearing trouble freaks out when there are loud noises. Later that evening we attended a cookout at our friends house and let all the kids run around.
The fireworks were a lot of fun as well. Elisia really loved them. She was so enthralled with them. Jared was excited at first then, he got restless. Quinn slept through the first part and was comotose for the rest of it. Of course JAred had to go to the bathroom right at the very end of the show. So he and michael missed the end.
I am finding that once you have a child that is potty trained they want to go to every public restroom. It is like he is marking his territory. JAred has also discovered urinals and that the girls potty rooms don't have them. He of course chooses to use the mens.
SO far this summer we have been hanging out around home. Michael is taking JAred camping tomorrow night...that should be an adventure.
Saturday, May 31, 2008
Out of the Mouth of Babes
He recently ate a piece of black licorice and says, "Mom this tastes like chicken..."
"Quinny Pooh Pooh no, I said no touching."
"You're driving me crazy" He hears that a lot from me.
We have been teaching him not to say certain words or o call people names by telling him "we don't say that word." Today I was asking Elisia to pick up a toy and Jared says, "Mommy we don't say that word."
She learned this from Jared.."What are you talking about?"
If you have seen Spongebob she does a great impersonation when SB says, "Mr. Crabbs."
For those of you who know Elisia she repeats anything you say to her and she has quite a large vocabularly for only being 2 1/2. She reminds my parents a lot of me when I was little.
Quinn is starting to say mama and baba. She recently learned to pull herself up to standing.
Thursday, May 15, 2008
Moments in motherhood
Sunday, March 30, 2008
Jared turns 4, Michael's on a diet, and we venture our first museum
Friday, March 14, 2008
An Update on the kids
Elisia is doing so much better. She had Roseola this week and is still contagious but she is on the up swing again. She is a ball full of energy. She loves Dora the Explorer. In fact, she is now called Dora and Jared is called Diego. They call each other that all the time. She loves being outside. All the kids got to go outside yesterday and today and play in the fresh air.
Quinn just had her 6 month check up and she is growing like a weed. She weighs in at 17.5 lbs and is 29 inches long. She started rolling over both ways this week and it is a whole new world now. The kids call her Quinny Quinny Pooh pooh. She loves playing with toys now and everything is going into the mouth. I will post some pictures later
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
I should've knocked on wood
On the bright side the sun is shining today and the snow is starting to melt. I hope spring is really coming and not just a tease from Mother Nature.
Thursday, March 6, 2008
The sickness is Gone
Hurray!!! We are finally all healthy. Last week Michael had bronchitis, ear infections, a sinus infection, and abceses on his tonsils. Quinn and I had the flu the same week. Jared is finally feeling better today, he had the flu too. At least the sun has been out for the past couple of days. I am just praying that Elisia doesn't get sick(knock on wood).
I have had a busy day cleaning the house, I am finally feeling 100%. What a mess and the laundry never seems to end. The kids are dying without the television. Michael and I are trying to figure out how we are going to get to florida in November with three kids. We are looking at going to Disney World....YEs we are nuts.
My kids do love each other
with each other. That moment melted my heart.
Jared Loves Quinn so much. He would do anything to help her and anything to make her happy. He even shared his favorite bunny with her one morning before church.
I had the opprotunity to go to Time Out For Women that desert books hosts. It was an amazing day. Not only did I not have my kids for a day, but I was spiritually fed. I have been having a really hard time lately. I feel like I have too much on my plate to worry about. This by far has been the hardest winter of my life. between Quinn's many doctors appt., my dad battling cancer, Michael being gone a lot, and my constant battle with being overweight. I have just had enough. I have felt very much alone in a world where i have a family that loves me and friends that care about me. This past Saturday was exactly what I needed. I had forgotten that the Lord is there for me whenever I need him. He is waiting to listen and waiting to bless me . I have been trying really hard this week to not need to have the control over everything in my life. It was nice to have these truths brought back to my attention.
Monday, February 11, 2008
Home at last
I find it very interesting how life has taken michael and i on many different paths in this life. Without the gospel I am afraid we would not do well. I am learning that you have to step back and look at the whole picture before you analyze and worry about it. We are working very hard right now to live the gospel everyday and to teach our children the importance of the gospel. I am glad we start teaching our children when they are little otherwise it probably wouldn't be received very well.
We have also recently learned how it feels to have advice that we have learned from thrown in our faces . I guess that is part of being the oldest in both our families but it is hard and now I am coming to understand why our parents still want to help us with their own experiences. so we can learn and then choose for ourselves. I think that is how Heavenly Father must feel when we make a choice that is wrong. He thinks if only you had heeded my counsel. Thank goodness there is repentance. I just wish family member s would not get upset and offended when we try to share what we have learned in a peaceful way. I seemed to have just put a lot out there but I think a lot can relate to it.
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
Winter Blues
The monotany of life really seems to be getting to me right now. I feel like everyday is the same. I know I have the power to change that, but you can onl do so much in the cold winter with sick kids.
Jared is in Primary now and loving every minute of it. He talks about is all the time and he is finally pooping in the potty chair.....He is also learning to express his feelings. This week when he was sick he kept saying "Mommy, I am sick. I need to lay down." or "My tummy hurts" What a relief that he can tell me how he feels.
Elisia wants to potty train. We tried yesterday and she had a pretty good day. What she really wants to do is wear her dora underwear. We will see what happens. That would definatly make my life a lot easier.
Quinn finally rolled over from tummy to back. She is also learning to self soothe. What a hard thing to do. I have to let her cry and she hates it and I hate. She has started baby food and she is so much happier with a full tummy.
Who would have thought how difficult it is to not eat sugar. I intake so much more than I thought I did. It was going really well for a week and then the cold hit and when I don't leave the house that is when it seems to be the worst.
Saturday, January 12, 2008
New Year
Here is an update on Quinn. She went back to the ENT (ear, nose, throat) specialist and he gave the go ahead to see an audiologist. However the very next day she had tons of fluid draining out of her ear. So another round of antibiotics and ear drops for her.
We had a family trip to the dentist this past week. It was the first time for Jared and Elisia. Needless to say it went better than I thought. Elisia wouldn't open her mouth. I had to hold Jared, while she looked in and counted teeth and he actually let her clean them. He did such a good job and afterwards he was really proud of himself for being a big boy. He is getting better at the potty situation. He has gone 2 out of 4 nights with no accidents!!!! YEAH.. However I am failing with getting a BM in the toliet. We are reading a lot of books on potty training. I am hoping that will help.
I am trying to give up sugar for my new years resolution. It has been difficult and there have been some days that I have to have chocolate. But I am feeling better and hopefully this will help in my goal to lose weight.