I love the little phrases that kids say or often repeat. Here are a few of my favorite ones as of late..
He recently ate a piece of black licorice and says, "Mom this tastes like chicken..."
"Quinny Pooh Pooh no, I said no touching."
"You're driving me crazy" He hears that a lot from me.
We have been teaching him not to say certain words or o call people names by telling him "we don't say that word." Today I was asking Elisia to pick up a toy and Jared says, "Mommy we don't say that word."
She learned this from Jared.."What are you talking about?"
If you have seen Spongebob she does a great impersonation when SB says, "Mr. Crabbs."
For those of you who know Elisia she repeats anything you say to her and she has quite a large vocabularly for only being 2 1/2. She reminds my parents a lot of me when I was little.
Quinn is starting to say mama and baba. She recently learned to pull herself up to standing.
Saturday, May 31, 2008
Thursday, May 15, 2008
Moments in motherhood
I was thinking today that life as a mom really is a lot more fun than i often give credit for.
Elisia is my onery 2 year old and she copies everything Jared says and does. She is fiesty and fun loving. She sings but Tells me to "stop singing mommy" all the time. Recently she has developed an opinion of what she will wear and not wear. On sunday she decided that she didn't like what she had on and she changed out of her dress and said, " I am not wearing that dress." I then decided to try and argue with a 2 year old. She won the battle when Michael stepped in and smoothed things over with her. She also recently started carrying a little pink purse around. Is she my daughter or what!!! 2 going on 18...
Jared is such a sweety. I always complain about how big my butt is...Ane well I won't be doing that anymore. On the way home from Indiana earlier this week. I was helping Jared in the car and he proceeded to call me ":BIG BUTT" I didn't know whether to be offended or laugh. Then of course Elisia started as well. By the end we were all laughing. I guess we all learn our lessons the hard way. Jared announced the other morning that he was going to Emma and Abby's house. I proceeded to tell him that we can't go today maybe later and he said that he and Elisia were going without mommy.
How I love independent children....What so I expect?
Quinn is crawling all over the place and Jared has learned that none of his things are safe that he doesn't clean up. YEAH... I am sure Elisia will soon learn. But right now she could care less. Quinn loves smiling and she is a big girl. She is a whopping 18+ lbs and 30 inches. ELisia is only 25 lbs. Yes they where the same diaper size...
I am recently discovered the joys of making Hairbows for my girls. I am totally addicted to making them. I love it. I can't decide if I want to sell them or not...I think I will want to keep the ones that I make for my girls.
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